Shit has been happening! I got a new camera Nikon d90. It's a really great camera. Tattooing a little less but a lot of on going stuff and drawings to be done.
Phoenix , it's going to be a long time before this is done so I'll upload in progress stuff. The back piece had already a few feathers, the task then was to add a phoenix to the feathers, not an easy task!! I drew some stuff up passed it around the studio to get some feed back and re-draw ideas.
Lots of on going tattoos so not much to post. In time, in time.
also check out my flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/adriantattoo for more pictures and older tattoos.
Also uploading some photos of people working/tattooing (Bugsy and Ryan)and random stuff I thought looked alright.
Melbourne is the best city in the world. I've been to the majors and Melbourne is fucking awesome! The city needs more press all over the world for its arts and cultural seen. I'll be posting more of Melbourne at night in summer.
Oh and Jana is off to the states. Smash on, smash on!
Wow, who's sexy back piece is that!? Love ya work, Adrian :)